Founded 1980

Graham Smith
Jan Thompson
Graham Mumby-Croft

Graham Mumby-Croft

One amazing lady - that is how anyone who met Paddy Scriven, as we all knew her, would describe her. In fact, there are very few people who make a lasting impression on us to the extent that we truly never forget them: Paddy Scriven was definitely one of those people. Within the Prison Service there were few people who had not heard of her in one way or another, and if you were a Manager or Governor Grade you would almost certainly have heard of her. .....

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Computer Corner.

In my last article, I highlighted some of the potential hazards from people who attempt to part the unwary and unsuspecting from their money with online and telephone scams. Within days of writing the article, the world was hit by the “WANNA-CRY” hacking scam that brought several large organisations to a halt, including several NHS trusts.

The cause of the problem was a RANSOMWARE attack where.....

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Computer Corner. Autumn 2018

It has been some time now since Mick Roebuck retired from the Committee and a Computer Corner has appeared in the Newsletter, so I thought that I would 'have a go' at producing one, and hopefully we can make it a regular feature if you find it useful. Your feedback would be most welcome and my email address is at the bottom of the item for you to contact me.

I think it is only proper that my first Computer Corner .....

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In the early days of online computer scams life seemed quite simple because the majority of scams were emails, often originating in countries such as Nigeria, and usually offering easy money for lodging large amounts of cash in your bank account. Of course, the scam was if you gave your bank account details you were far more likely to find your own money going out rather than vast riches coming in. The giveaway of these emails was that the offer was......

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Are you baffled by the jargon of computers? If so here are a few explanations that you may, (or may not) find useful, or at least enlightening:
32bit/64bitThis is a measure of how much data a computers processor unit can handle based on access to physical memory. Most older computers are 32bit and modern ones, less than 10-years old are 64bit. 

The good news is that 32bit optimised .....

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My Mate Mike-A Cautionary Tale.

I have maintained contact with several colleagues from my days in the service, and on the NEC of the PGA. One of these is a former governing governor, and NEC member. For the sake of having a name, lets just call him “North Sea Mike”.

Now Mike is a real “character” and is the sort of person that “things just happen to” and who always has a good story to fit every situation. 

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John Dring-A personal recollection.

I was lucky enough to be able to serve with John Dring as his Area Works Co-ordinator, when he was the Area Manager, for what was at that time the Central Area. I was a newly-promoted Governor 3 and fresh into the position of Works Co-ordinator, which was itself a new position created specifically to work alongside the new Area Manager structure. So we were all finding our feet, and working out how these new positions would work and our place in the overall structure........

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The Strangeways Riot and My part in it.

One of the interesting things that I found during my short stint as Editor of The Newsletter last year was reading the stories that people submitted of their time in the service, and some of the memorable moments that have stayed with them, even after years of retirement. I have also noticed that there has been a recent spate of documentaries on the television of late, looking either at particular events, e.g. The Strangeways Riot, ........

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Part 1                  Part 2                   Part 3